Rent my items – save money and reduce your carbon footprint

Rent My Itesm text

Own something which you hardly use? Want to use a carpet cleaner but don't want to buy one? is a website which gives you the chance to hire out your under-used items or rent someone else's.

Aside from the opportunity to make money by hiring out your items or save money by hiring rather than buying, this is an easy way to become more eco-friendly and a shade greener. To make goods it takes energy and resources plus the manufacturing process probably emits harmful substances into the atmosphere and then there is also the environmental cost of the transportation of these products.

You can list your rarely-used household goods and appliances for free for an initial period and earn some extra income through renting them out to people in your local area. Categories on the site include:

  • Automotive – some people are offering cars for hire
  • Home
  • Garden
  • Entertainment – violins, guitars and mobile smartphones to name a few
  • Tools
  • Baby & Kids – items include a birthing pool and toys
  • Leisure – great if you are planning a camping trip as there are tents and camping equipment for hire
  • Fashion

Warren Heal, Founder of found inspiration for the site after asking a neighbour if he could borrow his lawnmower. “My lawnmower wasn’t working one day and I thought it would be great if I could just rent my neighbour's for an hour. After doing so he then asked if he could rent my bike from me for a week for an upcoming holiday, and that's when began to come together.” said Heal.

“We are seeing a shift towards “Collaborative Consumption‟ revolutionising the way we consume, and with, I recognised an opportunity that enabled people to share items, while being environmentally-aware.” said Heal.

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